Women are the product of divine design, the exquisite creation that God fashioned with careful, meticulous, and loving care. Understanding how and why God created woman enables men and women to recognize the rightful contributions that God designed women to make for the welfare of humanity.
Despite millennia of misguided efforts by men to control and dominate them God originally designed women to be coequal with men and to have complete freedom to use any gift and to fulfill any role that he has given them. that design is still God’s ideal for the God-fashioned woman.
- Designed to be Feminine
- Designed for Beauty
- Designed for Purity and Modesty
- Designed for Sexual Fulfillment
- Designed for Nurture and Relationship
- Designed for Freedom
Whatever your race, ethnicity, gender, faith, or social status, this book and the other five volumes in the Feminine & Free Series will literally set you Free from misconceptions that have restricted the roles of women. As you are recognized with the Hebraic foundations of your faith you will clearly understand God’s original design and purpose for women, and you will begin to help remove obstacles that have kept women from assuming their God-given roles in the family, in society, and especially in the community of faith.
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