Hebraic Christian College

A Hebraic Model for Christian Education

Delivering foundational biblical insight with the world’s most advanced technology.

A Passion for Knowing
A Commitment to Doing

We have created a learning methodology that is amazingly new, yet profoundly ancient.

Remarkably Innovative

Our Learning Management System (LMS) features the most ancient of biblical knowledge delivered with cutting-edge technology.

Surprisingly Flexible

Our academic programs deliver our learning experience with flexibility that focuses on and accommodates your student needs.

Creatively Interactive

Our academic programs and delivery methods give you the flexibility to be as intuitive in your learning process as you can imagine.

Radically Hebraic

Our virtual classroom, our biblical and theological courses, and our delivery system are Hebraic—and biblical—through and through.

Amazingly Affordable

Our virtual classroom gives you the tools you need to learn in your own home or office, making academics incredibly inexpensive.

Profoundly Trustworthy

Our intellectual honesty and spiritual integrity provide you with a theologically sound and historically accurate learning experience.

Learning in Your Space, in Your Time, at Your Pace

Explore Our Student-Focused Learning Management System Today

Get the Real Truth about the Hebrew Foundations of Your Christian Faith

HCC currently offers a variety of courses that are foundational to a continually emerging Curriculum Outline that, when completed, will feature hundreds of wide-ranging courses that are essential to understanding the Hebrew foundations of the Christian faith.

Degree Programs

At HCC, we offer various degree programs, including Associate’s Degrees, Bachelor’s Degrees, Master’s Degrees, and Doctoral Degrees.

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Admission Forms

At HCC, applying for admission and registering for courses are student friendly, making it easy for you to initiate your new academic experience.

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Our Faculty

At HCC, we have assembled a world-class faculty that features scholars from wide ranging denominational backgrounds and varying academic disciplines.

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A Solid Foundation

The HCC Curriculum is a continually unfolding project that currently offers a variety of courses as part of a developing course outline that features plans for a wide range of subject matter covered in more than one hundred courses.