Hebraic Christian College
Hebraic Heritage PressGolden Key PressHebrew Roots Resources

Living Emblems: Ancient Symbols of Faith


SKU: BK-LE Category:


Living Emblems: Ancient Symbols of Faith provides you with a comprehensive overview of biblical symbols and their impact on the Christian faith. The apostle Paul stated this great biblical truth very succinctly when he declared that material objects reveal the invisible things of God, even his eternal power and deity (Romans 1:20). By examining each of the major images and icons that were designed either by God or his chosen people for the purpose of revealing truths about himself or to assist his people in worshiping his name, this volume opens up a wide array of biblical truths that will expand your understanding of the foundations of your Christian faith. You will be amazed at just how Jewish Christianity actually is!

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 6 × 9 in
Book Formats

ePub, Hardback, MOBI, Paperback, PDF


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