Hebraic Christian College
Hebraic Heritage PressGolden Key PressHebrew Roots Resources

Designed Life: Reflections of a Theologian


Designed Life: Reflections of A Theologian seeks to stem the tide of illogical and untenable theories of human origins that are increasingly employed by atheistic secularism in its effort to remove faith in God from postmodern society. Bronson Barkley answers a need within the Christian community for straightforward, incisive analysis of the premises of evolutionists that are forced on most students in public schools and colleges in today’s Western world. Using a distinctly theocentric interpretational method, he rebuts the claims of secular humanists that begin and end with leaps of faith that are much greater than simple faith in God as the Creator and Sustainer of the cosmos and of life within it.

Designed Life will provide you with critical analysis that exposes the error of humanist theories of evolution and social science and furnish you with detailed information on a wide range of issues vital to Theistic Creation, including the following:

  • How the Science of Microbiology utterly refutes the Theory of Evolution.
  • How theistic witness illuminates the transcendent source of temporal existence.
  • How the Three Directional Arrows of Time demonstrate a Cosmic Beginning.
  • How the thought processes of Evolutionists are self-deceiving and oxymoronic.
  • How Structured Chance in Quantum Uncertainty supports Theistic Creation.
  • How the idea that a time-bound Cosmos created itself from Nothing is patently absurd.

Pages: 320

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Designed Life: Reflections of A Theologian seeks to stem the tide of illogical and untenable theories of human origins that are increasingly employed by atheistic secularism in its effort to remove faith in God from postmodern society. Bronson Barkley answers a need within the Christian community for straightforward, incisive analysis of the premises of evolutionists that are forced on most students in public schools and colleges in today’s Western world. Using a distinctly theocentric interpretational method, he rebuts the claims of secular humanists that begin and end with leaps of faith that are much greater than simple faith in God as the Creator and Sustainer of the cosmos and of life within it.

Additional information

Weight 1.7 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 6 × 9 in
Book Formats

ePub, Hardback, MOBI, Paperback, PDF


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