In one of the Bible’s most important statements, God said, “Let us make humanity in our image, according to our likeness.” This declaration ascribes infinite value to every human being, for we are all designed by our Creator to bear his image and to experience his infinite love.
Theomorophic Humanity: Hebraic Theology and Anthropology is a scholarly analysis of God’s own image in humanity and what that means to you as an individual. Starting at the beginning of the Bible, this volume documents God’s reason for creating the universe—and especially the miracle of life that he deposited on Planet Earth. Then, it offers a comprehensive study of the manner in which human beings image God’s likeness in every aspect of their being. Finally, it expounds upon the ultimate inheritance that God has planned for us when we experience the gift of eternal life with God and his Messiah in the Age to Come.
Your understanding of God, creation, humanity, the Messiah, salvation, immortality, and eternity will be greatly expanded as you explore these and other informative and inspiring insights that are featured in Theomorophic Humanity:
- How and Why God Created the Universe
- How and Why God Created Planet Earth
- How and Why God Created Humanity
- Why God Created Male and Female
- How Women and Men Image God
- Why Jesus Was Both Divine and Human
- How God Makes New Heavens and Earth
- How Believers Will Inherit Eternal Life
You will rejoice when you see the big picture of the sweep of Bible history from beginning to end and when you more fully understand the extent of the amazing future that God has prepared for you. You will be blessed when you see the big picture of Bible history from beginning to end and when you recognize the full extent of the amazing future that God has prepared for you.
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