Hebraic Christian College

Course Directory

Available Courses

Jesus of Nazareth, Our Hebrew Lord (Part Two)

Building on Bible course 103, this course delves further into the Jewish identity, cultural context, and Hebraic teachings of Jesus, emphasizing His humanity, worldview, and foundational practices.

This is the second of a two-part series that focuses on the Jewishness of Jesus, as this might be better understood with reference to Jesus’ Jewish cultural context and historical and theological background. In addition, this series documents the humanity of Jesus as a Jew in a Jewish family and a Jewish community, establishes Jesus’ Hebraic worldview and mindset, and analyzes the Hebraic nature of Jesus’ fundamental teachings and practices. This series began with Bible course 103.

While the requirements for this course have been designed for academic credit for undergraduates, a graduate-level version of this course is also available (504), as is the opportunity to view this course’s video lectures for personal development (without academic credit).

Required texts for 104 (for academic credit) include the Bible (especially the Gospels of Luke and John), and three other books: Ben Witherington III’s The Jesus Quest: The Third Search for the Jew of Nazareth; Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg’s Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith; and David Flusser’s (with R. Steven Notley) The Sage from Galilee: Rediscovering Jesus’ Genius. Course requirements also include successful completion of fifteen online tests concerning the Bible, the video lectures, and the above textbooks.

Should you have any questions concerning this course, please feel free to contact its tutor, Robert W. Bleakney, Ph.D., Associate Professor, at rbleakney@hebraiccenter.org.