Hebraic Christian College


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Proposed Curriculum Outline

HCC has carefully analyzed the fields of Hebraic Roots Theology, Christian-Jewish Relations, Israel Studies, Biblical Languages, Christian and Jewish History, and a host of other disciplines to establish its extensive and diverse Proposed Curriculum Outline.

Levels of Education

HCC’s Curriculum Outline includes courses for each of four levels of study that correspond to the four years of traditional college education: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior.

Within the four years of college, students will take courses covering the core curriculum are required of all students and feature interdepartmental studies. Student will also take courses to equip those who wish to become proficient in understanding the theology of Hebraic Heritage community so that they may accurately teach others about these concepts.


The HCC Curriculum also allows for Electives, courses that students can select according to their own preference. These are noted in Levels 100-400 of the Curriculum Outline.

The following courses may be taken as electives in the undergraduate program or as part of the requirements for advanced degrees: Abodah: Biblical Worship, Archaeology of the Ancient World, Berachot: Studies in Jewish Blessings, Biblical Health and Medicine, Biblical Hebrew III: Advanced Hebrew Reading, Biblical Hebrew IV: Hebrew Exegesis and Mishnaic Hebrew, Church and Synagogue, Contemporary Jewish-Christian Relations, Davidic Praise and Worship, and many more.

Residency Module

HCC has plans for an Israel Residency module that can be fulfilled either on site in Israel or by virtual tours. Details of this module have yet to be finalized but are integral to HCC’s vision.

Part of the required core curriculum will be taught in Israel. Each student will be required to spend at least four weeks (either in one residency or in two two-week modules) in Israel. Courses to be taught in Israel may include the following: Israel Study Tour, Physical Settings of the Bible, Israel: Nationhood and Strategic Alliances, Israel’s Covenant: The People, the Land, and the Promise, Archaeology of Israel, Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins, and Internship in Jewish Studies.

Post-Graduate Courses

HCC currently offers courses that can be used to fulfill part of requirements for a Master’s Degree. Doctoral Programs are also available that are tailored to the student’s interests.

Part of the required core curriculum will be taught in Israel. Each student will be required to spend at least four weeks (either in one residency or in two two-week modules) in Israel. Courses to be taught in Israel may include the following: Aramaic, Biblical Greek, Advanced Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Introduction and Textual Criticism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam: A Comparative Study, Gnosticism, Then and Now, Hasidic Judaism and Charismatic Christianity, Hebrew Idioms in the Greek New Testament Text, History of Christian Doctrines, Overview of Mishnah: Rabbinic Studies, Overview of Targumim and Gemara, Pauline Theology/Johannine Theology, Philosophy of History, and Research and Writing.