Hebraic Christian College


Areas of Study

Establish a Solid Foundation

HHCC currently offers a number of excellent college-level courses that help you establish a solid foundation for studying the Hebraic foundations of the Christian faith. Plans are in place for the development of our entire Curriculum, which features more than one hundred courses on a wide range of subjects that are currently in various stages of planning and development.

HHCC offers Degree Programs for students who wish to work toward a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies. An Associate’s Degree is presently available, with Bachelor’s Degree offerings coming soon. Master’s Degrees are also currently available for advanced students.

HHCC offers superbly crafted multi-media courses that lay a solid foundation for your studies in the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith. By completing these, you can now earn an Associate’s Degree in Biblical Studies that prepare you for your pursuit of other degrees.

HHCC’s professors for courses currently available include some of the world’s most outstanding scholars in the studies of Christianity’s Hebraic roots and Christian-Jewish relations. These professors and their courses lay a solid foundation for your academic inquiry.

HHCC has carefully analyzed the fields of Hebraic Roots Theology, Christian-Jewish Relations, Israel Studies, Biblical Languages, Christian and Jewish History, Holocaust and Antisemitism, and a host of other disciplines to establish its extensive and diverse Proposed Curriculum Outline.